Thursday, December 28, 2006

Leadership lessons from President Ford.

As the news has been eulogizing President Ford the last couple of days, I have been contemplating 2 lessons that are relevant to your leadership.
  1. He has been quoted as saying "I am acutely aware that you have not elected me as your President by your ballots, and so I ask you to confirm me as your President with your prayers." Those of you who lead children's ministry may feel very much as Ford did. Your students did not choose you, but you hope they will give you a chance. (Those who teach adults have been chosen by your students. They may not have chosen you on a ballot, but they vote with their attendance each time you meet.) This goes to the reality that God sovereignly appoints those we lead and those who lead us. Consider yourself blessed that God would allow others to follow your leadership and follow gracefully those He has called to lead you.
  2. The defining moment of Ford's presidency was pardoning Nixon. It was not a popular thing to do and many say it cost him the next election to Carter. History has now shown that it was the right thing to do--The country needed to heal and move on, more than it needed to exact a penaltly. Our sense of fairness wants to demand justice for others, but longs for mercy regarding our own faults. The Lord challenged this notion when He prayed "forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." As those who have influence over others, would "forgiving" be a quickly thought of word to describe your character?
In the days ahead I challenge you to consider how you can follow graciously and lead mercifully.