Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Who will be left in the church?

About 2 years ago David Morrow released a book entitled "Why Men Hate Going to Church" which quickly gained popularity among the Evangelical Men's Movement. Men were claiming that many churches had become too feminine for their liking.

Last week I read a blog posting that says women are leaving churches because male-dominated hierarchies are irrelevant to their values.

Could it be that both of the authors are speaking for individuals who wish to be served because they dislike the Christian message of "take up your cross and follow Christ"?

Yes, RELIGION can be described as both feminine and male-dominated when God's perspective is ignored. However a RELATIONSHIP with the living God, in whose image we are created, can honor both genders.

Consider the two quotes below...

The ideology of masculinity has replaced Christianity as the true religion of men. We live in a society with a female religion and a male religion: Christianity, of various sorts, for women and non-masculine men; and masculinity . . . for men.

"Young women tend to express egalitarian values and dislike the traditionalism and hierarchies they imagine are integral to the church"

For more on each perspective, check out the sources below.

Why Men Hate Church

'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' Inspires Women to Leave Churches

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Being a woman myself, I do not have any male perspective as to exactly "why" men are not attending church or being serious about their faith.
    What crossed my mind as I read this is a verse from 1 Peter that says "Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives" 1 Peter 3:1-2
    Is it possible, that part of the reason why men are not being won over by Christ - embracing His call and committing to His bride (the church) is because their wives, their mothers and others faith is shallow, superficial and weak? That they see little life change in the women who surround them and therefore are not attracted to the God these women profess to adore?
    As I stated, I am a woman so these "harsh" words are directed to me as well. It is time for all of us in the church - regardless of gender - to rise up and fully embrace the life Jesus gave His life for us to live.
    As far as women in leadership and how God feels about that....I have one word to say....Deborah.(Judges chapters 4&5)
    When the word of God states that God has given spiritual gifts - nowhere does it say that women are not given the spiritual gift of leadership. When the word of God states that the Holy Spirit empowers His people and will be poured out in greater measure in these last days - nowhere does it say that women are left on the sidelines.
    The world is a big, big place.....it is time to take our ministry outside of the four walls - to lead where God has called us to, and to impact a lost and dying world for Him.
    May He be glorifed in His church and may we return to our first Love with wild abondon.
