Monday, March 09, 2009

Irritation or Enrichment

I recently read of a family visiting New York City. Read their story below then my comments underneath.

And on our first day there, we took in the show STOMP... you know, the show that features rhythmic people using brooms, trash cans, and anything/everything imaginable to entertain.
The four of us really enjoyed the show. But as I was watching, I had one thought: Each of these people are incredibly talented. They can do things with brooms and pipes and matchboxes that I could never imagine. But let's face it... if there was just one of these people on stage beating on a trash can lid, it wouldn't be much of a show. Without the other members of the STOMP troupe, each cast member would most probably be a candidate for David Letterman's 'stupid human tricks' segment. But together with the rest of the show's crew, they have created an entertaining and mezmerizing show. By combining their talents with the talents of other, something incredible is created...

It reminds me so much of the church, when it’s working properly

At your small group meeting or class, are you an irritant who is just getting on the nerves of other group members or are you part of a community that is making something greater than the sum of its parts?

I was recently contemplating an individual who tends to be very confrontational and the sarcastic comment popped into my head (I would rarely say it out loud), “I didn’t realize there was a job opening in the Godhead and that the role of the Holy Spirit had been given to you”.

Yes, you are part of the BODY of Christ, but you are only part. It is important that you do your part but it is also imperative that EACH member of the Body is acting as it should so that something beautiful is accomplished and you are not just some nut hitting a trash can with a broomstick. > What the Church Could Learn from STOMP


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I read something that Max Lucado wrote at one time about the fishing trip he and his brother had went on as kids. It had rained every day and they rarely got out on the lake to fish. He used this as an anology to illustrate what what happens when christians are not using the gifts they have been given by God to glorify Him and edify the body. It is a statement that has stuck in my mind and it is this "when fishermen don't fish, they fight"
    Yes, there are some personality types that are naturally more confrontational than others - and at times this is badly needed in the body of Christ as we all seek to grow and help others grow in their relationship with Jesus.
    I also know first hand of the frustration in being on a committe or in a group where your ideas and thoughts are not given the weight they maybe should be - perhaps because you are a woman who has been gifted with leadership ability.
    Someone who has been cast, by God, as a choreographer cannot make themselves into what they are not.
    By the same token......abrasiveness has no place in leading others.
    We all have so far to grow....

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Again, I see God's timing in this blog. I needed to read this today, to have it in the back of my mind for an upcoming meeting. Thank you!

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Is it possible that the other disciples thought that Peter was a big irritant as well?
    I think it a sad thing when we as believers spend more time complaining about other christians rather than investing in them. We are called to be building the kingdom of God in one another's lives - that begins with prayer and seeing others as God sees them.
    Perhaps the nut banging on the trash can is simply a wonderful leader in the making that you are overlooking?

  4. That's some pretty good preaching, friend.
