Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Winter is coming to an end!

Just as the scene in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the long winter here in Wisconsin appears to be coming to an end. While every square foot (except where we shoveled) of the property where our home stands is still snow-covered, the Daffodils are beginning to pop up THROUGH THE SNOW!

I mentioned this fact to a stranger in a medical office yesterday and told him I had never seen this before. He said it is a common occurrence on one side of his home where the sun reflects off the white siding and warms the ground.

This made me think of your role as a teacher or small group leader. While we cannot cause a bulb to bloom or a disciple to imitate Christ, we can "warm the soil" so that growth is likely to happen. In Jesus' parable of the Sower, there is equally good seed that goes onto the 4 soils but growth to maturity was dependent upon good soil. While I pastored in Oklahoma I learned that the months between harvest and sowing were filled with much work to prepare the soil for the next year's crop. Besides quality seed and God's provision of helpful weather, soil preparation was the greatest determinant of a good harvest.

The "soil" of your students/participants lives can be warmed by your reflection of the love and grace of God. Are you allowing God's light to reflect off (or shine through is more accurate) you?

The bulbs on the North side of our home have not started to bloom because the soil has not been properly warmed, but the same variety of plants are beginning to show signs of growth on the South side where light and warmth are more prevalent.

In the last 2 days on Facebook I have found that 2 of my male friends are expressing frustration over the circumstances of their lives. (You know it is bad when a GUY talks about his feelings without being asked!!) I am going to make an attempt to reflect a little of God's warmth onto their lives so that seeds of God's truth can produce good fruit. Would you join with me in making a new commitment to reflect warmth to those around you? Let's Hasten the THAW!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    We are called to speak the truth......IN LOVE!
