Monday, January 05, 2009

Pah rumpa pum pum

Although Christmas was over a week ago I can’t get The Little Drummer Boy out of my head. There is no biblical evidence that a drum solo was ever played near the manger and knowing the protective nature of mothers who have just given birth (especially of their firstborn). I am pretty sure that Mary wouldn’t have allowed a Phil Collins wannabe within earshot of a sleeping baby.

But the principle of the song is relevant to our roles as Christ followers. The boy did not use his deficiencies as an excuse to withhold what was within his capabilities.

I have read a couple of blogs recently describing self evaluations as “bad pastors” and the conclusions are often “I don’t meet other people’s expectations or my own expectations but God, somehow, continues to use me.”

I don’t know how healthy it is to be self deprecating, but I do know that God has entrusted the treasure of the Gospel to ordinary vessels (Jars of Clay or “cheap gladware”) because the value is not found in the container, but the contents.

As you look forward to the next few months of teaching and leading. Rest assured that it is not your excellence that will transform people’s lives, but the power of the Gospel. Be encouraged and Honored that God would choose to use you!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Great many times I have used the wrong rules/looked at the container and not the contents. Too many times I thought I was the focus/central figure not Him.....

