Monday, January 19, 2009

When Nobody is Watching.

A friend posted a note on Facebook yesterday exposing the gaps between what she knows about herself and how she is perceived by others. There were no glaring hypocrisies, but God had made her acutely aware of the dualism in her life.

I am doing a self-study through some spiritual formation material developed by a fellow pastor. When looking at the description of King David in Psalm 78 and 1 Sam 17 he observes that David’s preparation for the throne was so obscure that his own father did not think of him as “King material.” David was off by himself in the back fields but God was preparing him for a task.

“An integral life is forged in obscurity and refined in visibility”

--Tom Nelson

One cannot turn on a news broadcast without hearing about tomorrow’s inauguration. One of the criticisms leveled against our new President was his perceived inexperience. “Could a one-term junior Senator from Illinois have the skills to lead our country?” His opponent in the primaries asked “Who do you want answering the phone at 3 AM?”

Political Pundits have already admitted that President Obama’s leadership will be tested soon after the oath of office. I guess that is the “refined in visibility” part of Tom Nelson’s quote.

If you are reading this you are most-likely a small group leader or teacher in a Christian education class. So I ask you (as I have been reflecting personally), Who are you when nobody is watching? Regardless of if you are like my friend on Facebook, the greatest King Israel has ever had, the 44th President of the United States or the facilitator of a group of six Christ-followers learning from each other, what you are when you are alone WILL be revealed, tested and refined in visibility.

1 comment:

  1. Another picture of this is Kurt Warner (Quarterback of the Arizona Cardinals). He was in obscurity in St. Louis when he was given the opportunity to lead the team and became a SuperBowl champion. Then he was sent to Arizona where he has lived in relative obscurity for the last several years--now he's going to the superbowl again. All sports have superstars emerge from years of obsurity. Two years ago who (other than diehard swimming fans) had heard of Michael Phelps?
