Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Social Distance and Leaders

A consultant friend of mine wrote the following at his blog.

Leaders have an interesting dilemma when it comes to how close or distant they are socially from those they lead. It is often something that they don't think much about but it has important ramifications for how they relate to others.
There is a difference in the relationship between peers and those one leads. This is obvious when a leader is promoted from within and goes from peer to supervisor. Everyone knows that something has changed and that the relationship is different.

I have observed some who become “bossy” and too distant when entrusted with leadership. I have seen others who imploded their ministry because they failed to distinguish themselves from those they lead.

The link below gives a good reminder to intentionally evaluate your leadership relationships—friend, colleague or leader. To complicate things further, In some peer relationships (e.g. small groups) the proper distance is one of a collegial leader.

Leading From the Sandbox: Social Distance and Leaders