Monday, April 26, 2010

the Featured Soloist

Music has been an important part of my life. I learned to sing by listening to Sunday School songs while very young. I began piano lessons while only 7 years old, then took a couple years of organ lessons in my pre-teen years (betcha didn't know that!) I have been playing trumpet since I was 9 and I have dabbled in other instruments like clarinet, baritone & guitar. I have performed as one voice in a choir of hundreds and I have been frightened as a soloist with just me and my instrument in the center of a stage.

In the last week I have been challenged that at least 5 ideas need to be given prominence in the Christian life. Each person who challenged me thought their issue deserved the spotlight. The five issues happen to have been Sanctity of Life, Creationism, Foreign missions, Private Schools, and Stewardship. I am not opposed to any of these and have actually given sermons on each of these at one time or another.

To return to my music metaphor, each of these issues has a part to play in God's symphony of truth and each one deserves to by played with passion and excellence. I would even go so far as to say that each of these issues deserves a featured solo at some times, but wisdom dictates that too much of a good thing becomes annoying.

I enjoy some instruments that others consider irritating. I can even appreciate the bagpipes (in the right place and proportion) and I'm learning to tolerate the steel guitar.

Just please remember that your pet project is no more righteous than many others that God lays on the hearts of his people.

For an example of a little something done WAY overboard, click here


  1. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Does SLEFC recognize "Sanctity of Life" Sunday?? I can't remember if abortion/euthanasia is specifically addressed or mentioned on that Sunday? Are the churches that do, more "righteous" on this issue than others? Don't we desire to be righteious/holy?
    Not self-righteous, of course.

    How about adding homosexuality to your short list? Sean had a chance when covering Romans 1, but I don't remember too many specifics. With today's culture, it was a perfect opportunity to address this issue related to education, media, government, etc. Is this another issue where some churches are "too righteous" as well?

    How about alcohol? Another "righteous" issue for some? I once heard a Pastor address "drinking" when preaching through Ephesians 5. And it seemed obviously difficult for him to do so.

    How do the Pastor(s) decide what issues to address or not? By preaching through chapter and verse you will eventually get to all the issues you list, right?

    "Irritation" could be substituted for conviction at times. And yes, some listeners will become "annoyed" by certain music preached.

    Passionately preaching/teaching all truth in love, like yesterday, should be the goal. Will it be "annoying" and "righteous" to some? Sure, like yesterday's topic was a little "annoying" to me = conviction.

    People are "starving" for truth in today's postmodern/relative culture--give it to us as it will eventually set us free.

    Go ahead and encourage Sean to boldly play the steel guitar and bagpipes on occasion. Afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, right?

  2. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Pastor Dave,

    It seems like these are some hard questions, maybe even too harsh and not loving. Any comments?
