Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Reading Your Idiot Lights

I just found the following quote at the blog of another pastor. I thought these thoughts provide a good warning and he provides an appropriate response. Click on the link at the bottom to read the rest of his article.

Idiot lights on our dashboards signal to us that something is malfunctioning in our vehicle. The most common one is "check engine". It could be something as simple as a service call or a major problem with the power plant. Whichever, if we don't pay attention to them, some serious damage could result.

God graciously has put into all of us our own set of idiot lights that tell us when our power plant is on overload or malfunctioning. Let me list a few typical ones:

Fatigue, lack of compassion, anger, cynicism, depression, sleeplessness, defensiveness, excessive control, fear, anxiety, boredom, aimlessness, withdrawal.

healthier pastors: Reading Your Idiot Lights

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I read the article that this was taken from and thought it was great. Unfortunately, if the truth be known, I have often gone quite a few miles myself with more than one idiot light blinking on my dashboard - and it is true, if the issue or issues that are causing the idiot light to go on in the first place is not dealt with - eventually it will cause you to behave like an idiot as well.
    Next time I find myself fatigued or angry etc....I will consider it to be a red idiot light flashing in need of immediate attention.
