Thursday, October 19, 2006

Has Sunday School gone the way of the Dodo bird?

Found this and thought it was a good summary of some thoughts I heard expressed at a conference 7 or 8 years ago. Here is a summary, link to original is at the end of the post. 

How did Sunday School become a dinosaur?
As I've conversed with other senior pastors of large, growing churches, it seems that our situation is the norm. These days, a church with a strong, thriving Sunday School is the exception rather than the rule.
What in the world happened to Sunday School? Why is the old dinosaur on the verge of extinction?
Here are a few possible explanations:
1. The focus of Sunday School has switched from Outreach to Instruction.
2. The "invitation" of friends is to the worship service, rather than a Sunday school class.
3. Midweek gatherings have replaced Sunday School as the "second hour."
4. Sunday School is the "coffee shop" and the midweek programs are like "Starbucks."
5. The biggest reason for the demise of Sunday School is because the leaders have quit working it.
Maybe Thom Rainer is right when he says, “Sunday School has not stopped working for churches; churches have stopped working Sunday School.”

Source: Revitalize Your Church: Sunday Schoolsaurus

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:15 PM

    This article made me really think about how I teach my Sunday School class.It reminded me that I need to spend more time reaching the children instead of focusing on getting through all the material.
    Thank You Pastor Dave
