Monday, October 30, 2006

Small Groups - Ministry Blah

Here is a list of 5 things to consider when you are feeling caught in a routine. 

Ministry Blah
What can you do when you're discouraged about your God-inspired service?
By Cory Whitehead

Do you ever get a case of "ministry blah"? I define the "blah" as "a consistent discouragement with your place of service." It can be further defined as "feeling like your ministry is useless, that you're not supported, and that no one else cares."

Remember Your Original Passion
Do you remember proclaiming "this is where I'm called to be" or "this is where God wants me to serve"?

1 Peter 4:19 says, "So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good." When the "blah" brings suffering in the form of discouragement, remember your original passion and that will help you dig in a little deeper. Jog your memory of the early days and the calling you felt.

Talk About It
God has a funny way of working, and our friends are sometimes the vitamins we need to get spiritually healthy again.

Fast Until There Is Healing
I've found that when I have the "ministry blah," it's often because I'm not staying well-connected with God. Spiritual disciplines, like prayer and Bible reading, fall by the wayside, and slowly, often without recognizing the symptoms for what they are, I'm bombarded with feelings of discouragement, incompetence, and carelessness.

Set a Goal
Sometimes God shuts down a ministry or moves us to a different area of service. I've experienced times when I felt God wanted to give me a break and build me up for the season ahead.

For this reason, it's not always simple to tell if you're sick with the "blah" or if you just need to change your ministry diet. Besides connecting with God regularly, I often set a goal for myself in regard to the ministry.

Stay Faithful
"Ministry blah" is part of spiritual life. You're not a worse Christian because you have it. You're not wasting your time in your ministry. You're not useless. Actually, the fact that you are in ministry says something important about you. You've stepped out of the boat. You've stepped into a life of service, and that pleases God.

At times when I want to quit, I realize that I have to fight it off. Satan doesn't want us serving God, so he'll do everything that he can to discourage us.

Let's fight the "blah" and persevere in the task that God has called us to.

Source: Small Groups - Ministry Blah

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